Cleaning Antique Carpets – How to Clean a Tapestry

Cleaning Antique Carpets – How to Clean a Tapestry

Cleaning Antique Carpets and Tapestry Dust should never be allowed to build up in carpets as it has a sandpaper effect on the fibres. A few sensible tips & some advice on caring for your Antique Carpets and Tapestry… Our antique carpets and tapestries are amongst the most beautiful items we own. But they are...


Fabric Protection and Cleaning Services Updated Price Lists

Please note that we have updated price lists for FiberCare and The Cleaning Company. FiberCare and The Cleaning Company work together to keep your fine furniture, draperies, rugs and carpet cleaned and protected. FiberCare is an invisible, long-lasting finish that protects against spots, stains and spills. The Cleaning Company specializes in a custom hand cleaning...